今回は英語の熟語 "a blessing in disguise"について学びましょう!
We all know that life isn't fair. Good things happen to bad people, and vice versa.
But have you ever had one of those life-altering, devastating moments that make you think your life is crumbling into pieces, only to look back and realize that very incident changed your life for the better, so much so that you are actually grateful that it happened?
It may be an unreasonable and abrupt termination of employment that landed you on a much better job; a betrayal by a romantic partner that leads you to the right person; a traffic delay or congestion that let you avoid something far more unpleasant. The list goes on and on.
We called these events or happenings "a blessing in disguise".
Meaning of "a blessing in disguise"
"A Blessing"is a gift or good fortune, often unasked for.
"A disguise" is something that appears or looks differently than what it really is.
This idiom is often used to describe things or experiences that at first glance appear to be misfortune or unpleasant but turn out to have unexpected benefits.
How to use "a blessing in disguise" in a sentence
Let's look at a few more scenarios in which we can use the idioms.
e.g. The pandemic has affected many people and businesses but for some people it might be a blessing in disguise. For example, having to stay at home more often means more time to spend with families.
e.g. Losing that job turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it led me to pursue my true passion of moving to Japan.
e.g. Getting laid off turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as it gave me the chance to re-evaluate my career goals and pursue a new path.
Other ways of saying “a blessing in disguise"
“a silver lining"
A close synonym of the expression is “a silver lining,” a phrase that refers to the consoling aspect of a difficult situation. The whole phrase “Every cloud has a silver lining” is an indication that the sun is behind the cloud. In other words, a silver lining is an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation.
この表現の近い同義語に「silver lining」があります。これは困難な状況における慰めの側面を指すフレーズです。フレーズ全体「Every cloud has a silver lining」は、雲の背後に太陽があることを示しています。言い換えれば、「silver lining」とは、困難や不快な状況から生じる利点のことです。
“a redeeming feature"
“a saving grace"
“a consolation"
Other synonyms include “a redeeming feature”,“a saving grace” or “a consolation”, all of which expresses a similar idea of something positive in an otherwise bad situation.
他の同義語には、「redeeming feature」、「saving grace」、「consolation」などがあり、いずれも悪い状況の中で何か良いものを表現するためのフレーズです。
e.g. The class is so boring that it is a complete waste of time to attend it but the saving grace is that I get to sit next to my best friend.
e.g. I hate my job because it's so boring. It's only redeeming feature is the employee discount.
e.g. It is a consolation that no one was killed in the car accident.